In the long run the NRA is simply the worst thing for gun owners ever. By taking as absurd an absolutist stance on every gun issue it becomes impossible to have a reasonable national conversation about weapons.
The result of this is that the anti-gun-crowd are constantly accused by the far out gun nuts of
deliberately misunderstanding everything, while the nuts are out there in Statehouses heckling — freakin'
heckling — parents who lost children at Newton.
So even where the bulk of gun-owners and non-owners agree (like on universal background checks) we still have to
yell back and forth. This makes the anti-gun-crowd presume that the gun nuts will just say
anything ("more guns in elementary schools!") and we can't come to a reasonable accomodation.
So even when we're talking about straight-up facts (assault weapons kill fewer people than hammers) it just
sounds like a continuation of the gun nuts' crazytalk. So nobody will bother to listen.
And hey, when Biden tells people that the shotgun is the better home defense weapon and all the pro-gun people go nuts about it — the fact is that if some cop or former Navy Seal said the same thing you'd be all like "right, a 12 or 20 gauge shotgun is the way to go for home defense." But because Biden says it he must somehow inherently be wrong tactically.
Me? I
want a State (state?) to say "Look, you need this kind of background check to purchase or transport this kind of weapon. These are the very specific and clear rules about how to transport said weapon(s). Here are the clear rules about how they must be stored and secured. We'll take your fingerprints and you'll sign here."
Then I know my Daewoo K11 is safe -- safe from the Law, safe from misuse, safe from some dang kid shooting himself with it.
Please, quit the noise and everybody get behind the common-sense notions
that we all agree with anyway.
And please, for the love of all that's holy, let the CDC continue to research murder and violence.