Thursday, October 9, 2014

White as a Race

I pretty well agree with all of Kartina Richardson's notions about White being the "default" except for her conclusion.
White people becoming "free" by accepting their race is a theory which, when put into practice, has gone noticeably bad.
Many White supremacists are totally down with the idea that White people should think of Whiteness as an ethnicity, that there's a White culture and a White heritage. The problem is there really isn't.
White people frequently ask me what my ethnicity is. I like to ask them back and they preface their answer with a sheepish expression, “Oh, I’m just regular white” they say, or “Oh, just plain boring white.” They don’t believe they have an ethnicity because The Default has erased European ethnicity to absorb people of European descent (and a few lucky Middle Easterners) into Whiteness.
I think the "default" of European ethnicity and how White people don't think of themselves as having a culture is somewhat more complex than what's described by Richardson above. In the United States, the former Europeans seem to have done something that I don't think any other colonialists to other places have done, and that is to have deliberately wiped away their own cultural heritage. There was, to a fairly great degree, the concept that "We're in America now, we speak English, and we do things the American way" was fairly prevalent among White immigrants from the 1800's and 1900's. Our forefathers actually said: no, we will not have an ethnicity ourselves. 

Now I'll note that what the "American way" was didn't really exist. It was kind of made up out of whole cloth by what people's thoughts and prejudices were coming in. But parents tended not to teach their kids whatever language the parents natively spoke (if it wasn't English), and tended to build on whatever idiotic racism they found which, in turn, created the White people in the US.
Encouraging White people to be in touch with their own culture raises a whole bunch of questions and doesn't answer a dang one of them. It would be fantastic to remove the default setting of America from "White, male, mid-30's, brown hair" and not have a default at all. But I don't see how, practically, we can give an ethnicity to "White" people in order to do so without it going very, very wrong.
I've known people who were really into, say, their Celtic heritage and loved the crosses and saints who were based on pagan gods and what-have-you. And, you know, that's awesome. That said, what would be more awesome is if the Nordic Runes of ancient Europeans hadn't been co-opted by the Nazi party in Germany.
And that's pretty much what we've got. Is the culture of White people Mozart? Or some later Austrian? 
Yes, White people do in fact suffer from a lack of "ethnicity".  It would be cool to have some idea where we Whites might call ourselves a group and get together and be proud of ourselves and not be in some prison gang in order to do so. Being part of a group is fun. It makes Danish people happy. But I think making Whites in America an ethnicity actually, straight-up, cannot be done. We lost that one. 
My great-grandfather showed up here in the Union army in Kentucky, stopped speaking French, and decided he was American. Do I wish my family still spoke French? Yes I do. But I'm afraid that culturally, there's no going back. We're going to have to find another way out.

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