Saturday, March 5, 2016

More Different "Socialist" Noise

I was sort of surprised to hear the right-wing noise machine start up with the attacks on Obama as a "communist" eight or so years ago. I thought that word's inherent sillyness had played out. But there's a pocket of true believers who remember "communist" as a pejorative and are willing to trot it out and parade it around.
Pretty much since the demise of the Soviet Union "communist" has lost much of its sting. The only other major Communist party in the world is the Peoples Republic of China and -- seriously -- what about them is actually communist? They don't have a national healthcare system. It's a party-controlled state, sure. But they don't even pay lip-service to any sort of socialist ideals do they?
In any case, I think this is going to inure that middle range of undecided voters to attacks on Bernie Sanders for being "a socialist". We've been hearing so much noise about Obama being a socialist that when they hear it about Sanders they'll just be like "Oh, those guys say anything."
Here I am with my Firearms ID card. It took me from August to March to actually get it. Getting a firearms ID in New Jersey is as hard as getting a voter ID in Alabama. Of course, getting a gun license in Alabama is as easy as voting in New Jersey... Ha!

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