There are lots of people who still believe that just because of someone's religion (Islam) they have to be filled with hate toward everyone else.
Well here's a Muslim who is what my mother would have called "Christian" in his belief in the sanctity of human life. Even the life of a white supremacist who killed two other men and shot him in the face.
On his website he pleads for the life of murderer Mark Stroman:
I am requesting that Mark Stroman’s death penalty be commuted to life in prison with no parole. There are three reasons I feel this way. The first is because of what I learned from my parents. They raised me with the religious principle that he is best who can forgive easily. The second reason is because of what I believe as a Muslim, which is that human lives are precious and that no one has the right to take another human’s life. In my faith, forgiveness is the best policy and Islam doesn’t allow for hate and killing. And, finally, I seek solace for the wives and children of Mr. Hasan and Mr. Patel, who are also victims in this tragedy. Executing Stroman is not what they want, either. They have already suffered so much; it will only cause more suffering if he is executed.
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